Our platform seeks to center and support the people and organizations that create community through creative expression. By networking discovery and resourcing, Culturalyst is designed with this belief in mind.
Arts communities are resource constrained. Rather than every community building their own technology to solve similar problems, we believe in collaborating on shared digital infrastructure in order to amplify value and prioritize adaptability.
Our platform allows each community to customize their features, outlined below, while maintaining a universal discovery experience across the network.
Every portfolio is search engine optimized. In the last month, Culturalyst provided 17k first-page Google impressions for artists and organizations.
Our directories are networked, providing better discovery opportunities for every artist and organization. All queries are sharable and filters are customizable by city.
Over 600 arts opportunities (open calls, grants, residencies, etc) were shared by over 300 organizations on Culturalyst in the last year. Opportunities can be shared locally, in certain cities, or across the whole network.
Rather then scrolling long lists of opportunities, artists can opt-in to receive an email of all opportunities for which they are eligible, given their discipline, race, age, etc.
Our Arts Agency partners receive access to an Admin Dashboard, giving them insight into all of their cultural data and platform usage.
Artists and organizations can share events to a community arts calendar, filterable by discipline, location, and more.
Culturalyst is the container, but artists, organizations, and our Arts Agency partners own the data. If they choose to leave the network, they can export all of the data and bring it with them.
In order for technology to keep adding value, it must continually improve. We're currently working on the features below:
Most State and Local Arts Agencies attempt to build their own technology, spending significant capital every 3-5 years trying to keep the technology current. Below, we've broken down the pro/con of building your own tech versus joining Culturalyst's network, the only one of its kind on the market.
We work with State and Local Arts Agencies to design tools and systems to serve their artists, arts organizations, and cultural consumers, while reducing the capacity-drain and obsolescence risk associated with technology products.
"Culturalyst has been extremely helpful for the LDOA as well as our nine Regional Arts Councils. This state-wide database gives us a platform to disseminate information about our grant opportunities, as well as national and regional opportunities for our artists and arts organizations."
"“I absolutely love Culturalyst, and I was so upset I didn't know about it sooner. The website runs so smoothly compared to other artists/organization based websites, and to browse the works + connect with local artists is absolutely amazing!”
"Working with Culturalyst has been such a joy! The Arts Council of Greater New Haven loves having a place to send people who are looking for artists and opportunities that's easy to use, visually pleasing and free!"
“I’m excited by what Culturalyst is doing, the value is there. I’m am always sharing it with folks.”
“We officially started promoting Culturalyst to our wider network and we have seen participation SURGE. Clearly people were waiting for this! I'm so grateful that we connected with Culturalyst and that this is all coming to life. “